ኣብ ማእከል ባሕሪ ኣብ ኣፍ ሞት ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያንን ተጋሩን ስደተኛታት ህጹጽ ረዲኤት ይሓቱ
ኣብ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ ኣብ ሓደገኛ ኩነታት ዝርከቡ ቆልዑን ደቂኣንስትዮን ዝርከብዎም ኤርትራውያንን ኢትዮጵያውያን ስደተኛታት ህጹጽ ረዲኤት ሓቲቶም። እቶም ካብ ሊቢያ ክሰግሩ ሓደጋ ምግልባጥ ጃልባ ዘጋጠሞም 32 ውጻእ-መዓት ዝኾኑ ስደተኛታት፡ ኣብቲ ኣብ ማእከል ባሕሪ ዝርከብ መደበር ጋዝ'ዮም ተዓቚቦም ዘለዉ። "ኣብ መላእ ዓለም ትርከቡ ሰማዕቲ ትግርኛ ኣሕዋትና፡ ኣብዚ ንሕና ብጥምየትን መከራን ቁርን ንመውት ኣለና" ክብሉ ብቪድዮ ኣብ ዝሰደድዎ መልእኽቲ ተማሕጺኖም።...
Latest releases
Network With Eritrea Route
Saudi Arabian airline flynas has announced plans to initiate operations to Eritrea, a northeast African country situated on the Red Sea coast. Starting from Jan. 17,...
Eritrea admits military presence in Badme and disputed territories, denies occupation
The government of Eritrea has finally publicized its intentions to control disputed areas on the Ethiopian border such as Badme, which have been a bone of contention since the 2000 Algiers...
UN Rights Experts: Eritrea Maintains Iron Grip Through Repression, Systematic Impunity
GENEVA —Human rights experts warn Eritrea maintains an iron grip on its people through repression and widespread, systematic impunity for grave human rights violations.
An African gulag so ghastly that inmates risk death to escape
NAIROBI — The tiny African nation of Eritrea is a sliver of fear wedged between Ethiopia and the Red Sea, a land that has known only a single strongman leader and the shadow of repression since...