ማሕበር ፍቕሪ ሃገር፡ ንዕድል ኤርትራ ዝቐየረ ኣካል
ኣብ ታሪኽ ኤርትራ 1941 መቐይሮታት ዘተኣታተወት ዓመት ነበረት። እንግሊዝ ንጣልያን ስዒሩ ንኤርትራ ዝኣተወሉ፡ መንቋሕቋሕታ ዝነበሮም ዜጋታት ብሃገራውነት ተደሪኾም ንባህግታት ናጽነት ክዅስኵስሉ ዝጀምርሉ ዓመት ነበረት። ሽዑ'ዩ 'ማሕበር ፍቕሪ ሃገር' ብ5 ግንቦት 1941 ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝተመስረተ። ሃጸይ ሃይለስላሴ ከኣ ንኤርትራ ንምቍጽጻር ዝነበሮም ባህጊ ተግባራዊ ንምግባር ጻዕሮም ዝጀመሩላ ዓመት ነበረት። ብሓጺሩ፡ ምንቅስቓሳት ንናጽነት ወይ ከኣ...
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ICE reveals more about Awet Hagos, the man arrested in NC after standoff with police
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Eritrea: The Rise of the Date Palm Sector
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Remembering Segen, from Eritrea: A poet who died after crossing the Mediterranean
Tesfalidet Tesfom, known as Segen, an Eritrean migrant who died shortly after reaching Sicily in 2018, left behind poems discovered in his wallet. His verses speak of the hardships faced by migrants and...
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