ኤርትራውያን ማሕበረሰብ ካልጋሪ፡ ብሞት ኣዶናይ ተኽለ ዓሚቝ ጓሂኦም ገሊጾም
ኣብ ካልጋሪ - ካናዳ - ኣብ ባእሲ ንዝነበሩ ሰባት ክዓርቕ ዝተቐትለ ኤርትራዊ ኣዶናይ ተኽለ፡ ትማሊ ቀዳም ሓመድ-ኣዳም ኣብ ዝለበሰሉ፡ ኤርትራውያን ማሕበረሰብ ካልጋሪ ብኸቢድ ሓዘን ከም ዘፋነውዎ ሲቲቪ ገሊጻ። ወዲ 24 መንእሰይ ኣዶናይ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ሰኑይ 17 ለካቲት ኣብ ባእሲ ንዝነበሩ ካብ ክልተ ንላዕሊ ሰባት ከገላግል ኣብ ዝፈተነሉ ኣብ ርእሱ ድሕሪ ምህራሙ፡ ንሰለስተ መዓልታት ኣብ ሆስፒታል ክእለ ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ'ዩ ዓሪፉ። ኣብቲ...
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Eritrea pays to free its supporters from Israel's jails after riots
After 135 people hurt in violence between waring Eritrean groups Israel late to take steps to deport those responsible .The government in Eritrea posted NIS 84,000 in bail to release its supporters...
Jailed Swedish Eritrean journalist wins rights prize
stockholm —A Swedish Eritrean journalist held incommunicado without charge in Eritrea for more than 23 years won a Swedish rights prize on Monday for his fight for freedom of expression, the jury...
Radio Erena: Eritrea's Voice Of Hope Under Threat
Every day from Paris, Radio Erena broadcasts to the Eritrean diaspora but also directly to the inhabitants of this country in the Horn of Africa, a veritable information black hole. However, due to a...
A Journalist’s Escape from Eritrea
‘Even though I had undertaken all possible preparations to protect myself, I was shaking.’ An excerpt from ‘Geographies of the Heart.’During the few last hours before my departure, I went through my...