ኤርትራ ምስ ባንክ ልምዓት ኣፍሪቃ ዝፈረመቶ ስምምዕ፡ ንጸገም ኤለክትሪክ ይፈትሖዶ?
ኤርትራን ባንክ ልምዓት ኣፍሪቃን ንህንጸት ፕሮጀክት ጸሓያዊ ጸዓት ዝውዕል ተወሳኺ 20 ሚልዮን ዶላር ስምምዕ ከም ዝኸተማ ምኒስተር ዜና ኤርትራ ኣቶ የማነ ገብረመስቀል ትማሊ ሰኑይ ገሊጹ።ነቲ ስምምዕ፡ ምኒስተር ፋይናንስን ቍጠባዊ ልምዓትን ኤርትራ ዶ/ር ጊዮርግስ ተኽለሚካኤልን ምክትል ዋና ዳይረክተር ናይቲ ባንክ ልምዓት ኣብ ምብራቕ ኣፍሪቃ ሊያንድረ ባሶለን ኣብ ኣስመራ ክታሞም ከም ዘንበርሉ ተሓቢሩ። እዚ 20 ሚልዮን ዶላር፡ መቐጸልታ ናይቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ዓመት ባንክ...
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Fana Broadcasting’s Documentary and Isaias Afewerki’s Interview: A Deep Dive into Ethiopia-Eritrea Relations
Fana Broadcasting’s recent documentary The Asmara Government’s Matter – የራሷ አሮባት has ignited heated debate by presenting a scathing critique of Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki and his governance. The documentary,...
2024 Honolulu Marathon: Yamane Haileselassie of Eritrea crosses the finish line
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Eritrean refugees describe police crackdown in Ethiopia
Eritrean residents in Ethiopia's capital have reported widespread arrests among their community, sparking fear among refugees and asylum seekers who fled their homes in search of a better life. While not...
Ambassador blames Abiy for straining Ethio-Eritrea relations
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