Abiy Ahmed’s Desperate Gamble: Is War against Eritrea the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s Lifeline?
Recent weeks have witnessed a surge in analyst and social media commentary expressing growing fears of an imminent Ethiopian invasion of Eritrea. Fueled by actual war propaganda from state media of...
Latest releases
Eritrea: The Rise of the Date Palm Sector
Eritrea is actively pursuing a promising initiative to modernize its date palm industry. Through a partnership with UNDP, FAO, and IFAD, the country is committed to enhancing the date palm sector by...
Remembering Segen, from Eritrea: A poet who died after crossing the Mediterranean
Tesfalidet Tesfom, known as Segen, an Eritrean migrant who died shortly after reaching Sicily in 2018, left behind poems discovered in his wallet. His verses speak of the hardships faced by migrants and...
Network With Eritrea Route
Saudi Arabian airline flynas has announced plans to initiate operations to Eritrea, a northeast African country situated on the Red Sea coast. Starting from Jan. 17,...
Eritrea admits military presence in Badme and disputed territories, denies occupation
The government of Eritrea has finally publicized its intentions to control disputed areas on the Ethiopian border such as Badme, which have been a bone of contention since the 2000 Algiers...