Opinion: From Lost Cause to National Agenda: Ethiopia’s bold move to end landlocked isolation, secure coastal gateway
In the late 19th century, under Emperor Menelik II, Ethiopia successfully defended its sovereignty against Italian colonial ambitions at the Battle of Adwa in 1896. However, by then, Italy had...
Latest releases
Eritrean church leader dies in prison
One of the founding fathers of the Full Gospel Church in Eritrea has died in prison. Reverend Ghirmay Araya was arrested along with other church leaders in 2004. He was never charged with any crime. He...
After 20 years, it’s time for Eritrea to release 2 pastors, other Christians
Think back on your own life: Where were you 20 years ago today? Perhaps you were walking the aisle and starting life together with your spouse? Or maybe you were enlisting in the military — and today...
Abiy Ahmed’s Next Target – Eritrea and Somalia
Toronto – Despite complete loss of legitimacy and widespread security crisis, Abiy Ahmed does seem to have control over the military.
Eritreans abroad demand democracy back home
JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – ERITREANS living in South Africa have regrouped to form a new association aimed at bringing political change while seeking justice back home.